The "Shaan Puri Emotion Eliciter" Prompt

The secret to creating viral content

Hey Warrior,

Most people create boring content. It's dull, uninspiring, and fails to capture the reader's attention.

As a result, nobody wants to read your content and just skips over it. Your carefully crafted words go unnoticed, lost in the sea of mediocrity.

But what if I told you there's a simple trick to make your content irresistible?

The key to making content people want to read is that it must always elicit an emotion.

And today, I'll show you how to use AI to make your content more emotional and engaging.

In this post, you'll learn:

  • Why eliciting emotion is crucial for creating content that resonates with your audience and the 7 different types of emotions you can tap into

  • The "Shaan Puri Emotion Eliciter" prompt that will transform your writing and make it more compelling

  • How to use this prompt to create content that goes viral and leaves a lasting impact on your readers

Let's jump in!

Read time: 5 minutes

🧠 The 7 Types Of Emotions You Can Tap Into

Picture this: You've poured your heart and soul into a blog post. You've spent hours researching, writing, and editing.

But when you hit publish, crickets. No likes, no comments, no shares. It's as if your content doesn't even exist.

Sound familiar? If you've ever experienced this, you're not alone.

The truth is, creating content that falls flat is a common mistake many writers make. And the consequences can be bad:

  • Your message fails to connect with your audience

  • Your content gets lost in the noise of the internet

  • You miss out on opportunities to build a loyal following and grow your brand

But there's a solution.

If you want your content to be irresistible and have the potential to go viral, every piece of writing should aim to elicit an emotion. Shaan Puri from the My First Million podcast uses a framework that focuses on these 7 key emotions:

  • LOL: that's so funny

  • OHHH: now I get it!

  • WOW: that's amazing!

  • AWW: that's sooo cute

  • YAY: that's great news!

  • WTF: that pisses me off

  • FINALLY: someone said it!

Emotion is the secret sauce that transforms your content from boring to viral.

By tapping into these emotions, you will:

  • Create content that resonates with your audience

  • Make your message stand out in a crowded online space

  • Finally build a loyal and engaged community around your brand

Now that you understand the importance of eliciting emotion in your content, let's dive into how you can use AI to achieve this.

🤖 The "Shaan Puri Emotion Eliciter" Prompt

This prompt will let you input your own writing and then provide specific suggestions to make it more emotionally engaging and viral-worthy.

The prompt will:

  • Maintain the original intent of your writing and analyze ways in which it can be improved using each of the 7 emotions

  • Output two actionable suggestions to enhance your content for each of the 7 emotions

Here’s the prompt:

You will be analyzing a piece of writing using Shaan Puri's emotion eliciter framework to suggest how it can be made more viral. Here are your tasks: 

Step 1: Read the following piece of writing carefully: 
[Paste your content here]

Step 2: Analyze the content and consider how it could be modified or enhanced to evoke each of the following emotions:
* LOL: that's so funny
* OHHH: now I get it!
* WOW: that's amazing!
* AWW: that's sooo cute
* YAY: that's great news!
* WTF: that pisses me off
* FINALLY: someone said it!

Step 3: For each emotion, provide two specific suggestions on how the writing could be modified or enhanced to evoke that emotion. Your suggestions should be practical, actionable, and relevant to the original content.
Present your analysis and suggestions in the following format using headers in markdown:
Emotion: [Emotion]
1. [First suggestion]
2. [Second suggestion]

Ensure that your suggestions:
* Are specific and tailored to the content of the writing sample
* Maintain the original intent and message of the writing
* Are realistic and implementable
* Do not completely change the core content, but rather enhance or modify it
If a particular emotion is very challenging to incorporate given the nature of the content, you may note this briefly, but still try to provide creative suggestions.

Remember, your goal is to help make the writing more engaging and shareable by tapping into these emotional responses. Be creative, but also practical in your suggestions.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the prompt into your AI chatbot of choice (e.g. Claude or ChatGPT)

  2. Paste your content to analyze between the <writing_sample> tags

  3. Run the prompt

Here's an example output that Claude gave me when I inputted a recent Tweet I posted.

I love this output. Because it:

  • Provides options to tap into any of the 7 emotions, allowing me to choose the ones I think are most suitable and will have the maximum impact

  • Gives me ideas how I can improve my content when I decide to repurpose it

  • Teaches me how to incorporate emotion better into my content making me a better writer overall

💡 Wrapping Up

In today's lesson, we learned the importance of eliciting emotion in our content and how to use AI to help you with this.

Here's a quick recap:

  • Emotionless content often fails to resonate with readers, leading to low engagement and shareability

  • Shaan Puri's emotion eliciter framework provides 7 key emotions to target in your writing: LOL, OHHH, WOW, AWW, YAY, WTF, and FINALLY

  • The "Shaan Puri Emotion Eliciter" prompt helps you analyze your content and provides actionable suggestions to enhance its emotional impact

By using this prompt regularly you’ll continually improve your content and writing overall.

Try it out! Your readers will thank you for it.

Thanks for reading!

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P.S. I recently launched the AI Growth Kit and over 180+ entrepreneurs have already joined. It’s a system that lets you:

  • Create high-quality content in seconds

  • Without sounding like a generic robot

  • Grow your audience and business fast

Sign up to the waitlist here so you don’t miss the next time it’s available.

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