The Prompt Chaining Technique

How to chain your prompts together to get superior responses

Hey Warrior,

You know I love using large prompts.

They're a great way to compress a lot of information into a single request and get repeatable outcomes.

But a recent research paper compared large prompts (containing multiple step-by-step instructions) to splitting up the prompts and chaining them together.

The results? Chained prompts perform a lot better.

Today, I'll show you how to turn your instructions into a prompt chain to get superior outputs.

We'll cover:

  • What prompt chaining is and why it works so well

  • How to turn your instruction into a prompt chain

  • A tool that lets you easily create prompt chains

Let's jump in!

Read time: 5 minutes

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🧠 What Prompt Chaining Is and Why It Works So Well

Think about the last time you were handed a huge to-do list. Maybe it was at work from your boss, or at home from your spouse.

If it was massive, it's likely that you half-assed most of it and didn't complete everything with full commitment.

Now, let's say instead you're handed just one task to complete. Only after you've finished it are you given the next task, and so on.

Wouldn't you tackle that single task with much more diligence and thoroughness? I would.

Well, turns out it's similar for AI.

And this is where the concept of prompt chaining comes in. Here's how it works:

  1. Split a large task into several smaller tasks.

  2. Instead of putting everything into one large prompt, split it into several standalone prompts.

  3. Run one prompt and feed the output into the next prompt, and so on.

Pretty simple, right?

Now, let's go through an example (and I'll show you a tool to implement this as well).

🤖 How to Create a Prompt Chain

I'll show you how to create a prompt chain for your task in just 3 steps.

For this example, I'll be building an "Alex Hormozi Offer Generator." It takes a target audience and dream outcome as input, then outputs an offer in the style of Alex Hormozi's $100M offers.

STEP 1: Create the Prompts

The goal of this step is to create all the prompts we'll be using in the prompt chain.

I made my life easier by choosing the "Alex Hormozi" example because I had already written all the standalone prompts previously. And I've put the prompts into a document for easy copy-pasting.

But what if you don’t have the prompts yet?

You'll have one of two scenarios: starting completely from scratch or starting from a prompt you've created in the past.

If you're starting from scratch (i.e., from just an instruction or task), you can first use a simple prompt like:

Create a step-by-step plan to accomplish [my task], then turn each of these steps into their own standalone prompt. Make it easy to copy these prompts.

This will create several prompts for your prompt chain. You can then choose to further improve your prompt with this prompt enhancer.

If you already have a prompt and want to turn it into a prompt chain, you can use this prompt:

Turn the steps in this prompt into their own standalone prompts. Make it easy to copy these prompts.

[paste your prompt]

This will then also output several prompts for your prompt chain.

Ok cool. Now that we have prompts for our prompt chain, we can start building the chain itself.

STEP 2: Build the Prompt Chain

We’ll be using the tool: to build the prompt chain.

Start with the inputs.

Since I'm building the "Alex Hormozi Offer Generator," my inputs are:

  • Target customer

  • Customer Dream outcome

So we will set up two blocks and set them as type: "content" and "input."

These are now my input variables and will allow me to enter a value.

In the image you can see the values I entered are:

  • Target customer: Men in their 30s

  • Customer Dream outcome: Get fit

These will then later be run through my prompt chain to create the final offer.

STEP 3: Build Out the Prompt Chain

Now we’ll build out the rest of the prompt chain.

Simply put prompt #1 into the first block (select your AI model), then link it to the next block, and so on.

When you've finished building your chain, you can run the whole thing.

Here’s the final output I get with the inputs from above:

And voila! Your $100M offer is created using the prompt chain.

This level of quality and detail is possible because we’ve chained the prompts together. It would have been tough to get there with just one large prompt.

This makes it really useful for workflows where you need something highly specialized or complex.

Here are some more examples of what you could build with this:

  • A personalized meal plan generator based on dietary preferences and goals

  • An email sequence generator for a specific marketing campaign or product launch

  • A personalized sales script generator based on customer personas and pain points

  • A custom onboarding sequence creator tailored to your product or service

The possibilities are endless.

💡 Wrapping Up

In today's lesson, we learned how to use prompt chaining to get superior outputs from AI.

Here's a quick recap:

  • Prompt chaining involves splitting a large task into several smaller tasks and running them through a series of interconnected prompts

  • To create a prompt chain, start by creating standalone prompts for each step of your task, then use a tool like to link them together

  • Prompt chaining allows you to generate high-quality, customized outputs that wouldn't be possible with a single prompt

Hope this helps!

Go ahead and experiment with prompt chaining. Excited to see what you come up with.

Thanks for reading!

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