The "Content Humanizer" Prompt

How to make your AI writing sound more “human”

Hey Warrior,

Does your AI writing sound a bit… robotic?

The truth is, most AI models like ChatGPT, Claude or Gemini tend to default to a generic, robotic tone.

But with the right prompts, you can dramatically reduce this robotic effect and make your AI writing sound a lot more natural and human.

In today’s post, you'll learn:

  • Why ChatGPT and other AI models sound robotic (and how we can fix that)

  • What the "Content Humanizer" Prompt is

  • How to use the "Content Humanizer" Prompt to effortlessly transform your AI writing into content that sounds almost like it was written by a real person

Let's jump in!

Read time: 5 minutes

Brought to you by the AI Content System:

I built a FREE 5-day course to help you start or accelerate your Twitter & LinkedIn content creation with AI. It’s called the AI Content System.

In it, you'll find:

  • The systems I used to grow to 60k+ followers in under 1 year

  • How to save 20h+ per week creating content

  • How to create content that sounds like YOU

100% free, sign up today:

Here’s a sneak peek of the 5 AI prompts you’ll be getting for free inside:

🧠 Why ChatGPT and other AI models sound robotic (and how we can fix that)

Think back to the first time you used ChatGPT. I bet you were absolutely blown away, right?

It was hard to believe that there was now a technology that could listen to your instructions and generate something that actually sounds intelligent.

But as you continued using it more and more, you probably began to notice some quirks…

The way it phrased certain things didn't quite sound right.

The way it seemed to use certain words over and over.

The way it lacked personality and substance.

And as you use AI more and more, you realize there is quite a big difference between AI-generated content and human-written text.

Why is that? Well, these AI models were trained on huge amounts of mainly web content and books.

And during training, these models develop certain patterns, which then define the way they output text. So they end up getting a sort of "default" writing style.

If you've read a lot of ChatGPT text, you'll know what that sounds like.

Interestingly, every model sounds slightly different. Claude, for example, sounds slightly more natural than ChatGPT, and that's why I prefer it for writing.

So, how do you fix this default robotic style?

You need to start by identifying the specific elements that make AI-generated text sound different from human writing.

Once you've pinpointed those differences, the next step is to condense your findings into a clear, actionable instruction for the AI. Essentially, you need to tell it, "Hey, here’s specifically how I want you to write instead."

And that's exactly what I've done with the "Content Humanizer" prompt I'm about to share with you.

Ready to see it in action? Then let’s get into it!

🤖 The "Content Humanizer" Prompt

This prompt will take your AI-generated writing and transform it into something that sounds more natural and human-like.

It achieves this by using a set of carefully crafted writing guidelines defined within the prompt itself.

Here's the full prompt:

You will be given a piece of text that sounds like it was generated by AI. Your task is to rewrite this text to make it sound more human-written. 

Follow these steps: 
1. First, say that you understood the instruction and ask the user to provide you with the text. Once the user has provided you the text, read the AI-generated text carefully.

2. Next, rewrite the text following these guidelines:
a) Use a conversational tone, concise language and avoid unnecessarily complex jargon. Example: "Hey friends, today I'll show you a really useful writing tip"
b) Use short punchy sentences. Example: "And then… you enter the room. Your heart drops. The pressure is on."
c) Use simple language. 7th grade readability or lower. Example: "Emails help businesses tell customers about their stuff."
d) Use rhetorical fragments to improve readability. Example: “The good news? My 3-step process can be applied to any business"
e) Use bullet points when relevant. Example: “Because anytime someone loves your product, chances are they’ll:
* buy from you again
* refer you to their friends"
f) Use analogies or examples often. Example: "Creating an email course with AI is easier than stealing candies from a baby"
g) Split up long sentences. Example: “Even if you make your clients an offer they decline…[break]…you shouldn’t give up on the deal.”
h) Include personal anecdotes. Example: "I recently asked ChatGPT to write me…"
i) Use bold and italic formatting to emphasize words.
j) Do not use emojis or hashtags
k) Avoid overly promotional words like "game-changing," "unlock," "master," "skyrocket," or "revolutionize."

Remember, the goal is to make the text sound natural, engaging, and as if it were written by a human rather than an AI.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the prompt into your LLM of choice (like Claude or ChatGPT)

  2. Run the prompt

  3. You will then be asked to paste your AI-sounding text that you want to have rewritten. Paste that text into the chat.

  4. Watch as your LLM outputs a more human-sounding version of your text.

Here's a real-world example: 

I first used a simple prompt in ChatGPT to generate some writing. As you can see, it has some elements of that robotic AI vibe:

But after running it through the humanizer prompt, here's what I got:

The rewritten text is more casual, simpler and easier to read. Thus, it feels more natural and sounds more human.

And here's a pro tip: if you're not totally satisfied with the output, try fine-tuning it with my LEVER prompt technique for even better results.

Whenever I use AI to help me write something, I also make sure to go through a manual editing round in the end.

💡 Wrapping Up

In today's lesson, we explored how to make AI-generated writing sound more human and natural.

Here’s a quick recap:

  • Most AI models tend to produce robotic and generic-sounding content by default due to the patterns they develop during training

  • To fix this, we need to identify the specific elements that make AI writing sound different from human writing

  • The "Content Humanizer" prompt uses these key aspects of human-like writing and guides the AI to generate more natural-sounding content

Hope this helps!

Note also that this prompt is a great starting point, but just one of many methods for improving the quality of AI-generated writing. There are many other techniques, prompts, and even tools you can use to make your AI writing sound more human. I might dive deeper into those in future posts.

Thanks for reading!

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P.S. I recently re-launched my flagship product, the AI Growth Kit, and over 200+ creators and entrepreneurs have already joined. It’s a system that lets you:

  • Create high-quality content in seconds (using a massive library of proven templates)

  • Save time creating content without sacrificing quality

  • Grow your audience and business fast


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