My 3-step system for finding your niche

Plus: A powerful prompt to help you with this

Hey Warrior,

When I talk to entrepreneurs that want to start creating content, one of the most common struggles I hear is around the topic of finding a niche:

  • "I don't know what to write about"

  • "I don't know what my niche should be"

  • "I'm afraid of choosing the wrong niche”

I've struggled with this myself. In fact, I’ll let you in on a secret:

Almost every content creator is constantly thinking about their niche.

But luckily we can use AI to help us gain more clarity on this.

Today we're going to tackle this question and see how we can use AI to help us overcome this struggle.

Today you'll learn:

  • Why finding your niche is actually the wrong approach and how to reframe it

  • A step-by-step process to help you identify your core content themes

  • A powerful AI prompt that will help you gain clarity on your content direction

Let's jump in!

Read time: 6 minutes

💡 Why finding your niche is actually the wrong approach and how to reframe it

You've probably heard the advice to niche down as much as possible and to avoid changing your niche.

While it's true that you should avoid drastic changes (e.g. going from fitness content for 40-year-old men to kids' cartoons), subtle shifts are totally fine.

In fact, most successful creators have evolved their niche over time. Some examples:

  • Sahil Bloom started with finance content and eventually transitioned to productivity and motivational content

  • Justin Welsh began writing mainly about his experience in SaaS and is now known for audience growth and solopreneurship

  • Dickie Bush focuses on "digital writing" but also frequently covers ChatGPT, journaling, and productivity

That’s why I really don’t like the word “niche”. It sounds like something very rigid and singular, that can never change once you’ve decided.

The truth is, you don't need to have a super specific niche right off the bat.

BUT having a general direction is good. Because when you're just starting out, it's much easier to grow when you're known for one thing.

Here's what I recommend: develop one main topic that you'll be known for initially, and then add some related side topics for flexibility.

To figure this out, let's go through a simple 3-step process:

Step 1: Identify your passions

When the going gets tough, you'll want to be creating content you're passionate about. Trust me, the worst thing you can do is focus on a topic that doesn't excite you. So ask yourself:

  1. What topics do you find yourself constantly thinking about or eager to discuss with others?

  2. What activities or hobbies do you lose track of time while doing?

  3. If you could spend a year learning about anything, what would it be?

  4. What issues or causes are you passionate about?

Step 2: Get honest about your talents

Usually, your passions and talents align. But sometimes, they might be different. Ask yourself:

  1. What skills or abilities have others frequently complimented you on?

  2. What achievements are you most proud of?

  3. In what areas do you tend to outperform your peers or colleagues?

  4. What comes easily or naturally to you that others often struggle with?

Step 3: Explore market trends & problems

Finally, we’ll also want to consider what the market wants, and not just what you like. By thinking about market problems and trends that you've identified, we’re tying them back to solutions that are relevant to you. Consider these questions:

  1. What topics or issues seem to be getting a lot of attention or engagement on social media lately?

  2. What emerging technologies, tools, or platforms are you excited about or interested in learning more about?

  3. What challenges or pain points do you see many people in your industry or target audience struggling with?

  4. What kinds of content (formats, styles, themes) seem to be performing well or resonating with audiences in your space?

Save your answers to these questions because you'll be using them in the following prompt...

🤖 The “Content Theme Creator” Prompt

We're now going to use our answers from the previous questions NOT just to find our niche, but to identify several "Core Content Themes."

These allow us to have:

  • A main theme we are known for

  • 3 more themes that give us flexibility in our content creation

Here’s the prompt:

Your goal is to help the user identify their core content themes for posting on social media. Core content themes are the key topics or areas that the user will consistently create content about to build their brand and engage their audience.
To determine the user's core content themes, gather information about their passions, strengths, and relevant market trends from the provided inputs:


Analyze the information to identify common threads and connections between the user's passions, strengths, and market trends. Write a detailed analysis, considering the following points:

- Which passions align with the user's strengths, and how can they be leveraged to create unique and engaging content?
- What market trends or audience pain points relate to the user's areas of expertise, and how can they address these in their content?
- Are there any recurring themes or topics that the user seems particularly knowledgeable or enthusiastic about?
- How can the user's background and experiences contribute to a distinctive perspective or approach to their content?

Summarize your key findings and insights, and use them to inform the content theme suggestions in the next step.

Based on your analysis, suggest 5 potential themes (using no more than 4 words each) for each of the 4 core content areas:
Primary Themes (in the format of "topic for target audience"):

[Topic] for [Audience]

Secondary Themes (incorporates another passion and strength):


Third Themes (connects a strength with an emerging trend or audience pain point):


Fourth Themes (highlights unique perspective or approach based on background/experiences):


Structure your response thoughtfully with line breaks for readability.

How to use this prompt:

  1. Copy and paste the prompt into your LLM of choice (e.g. Claude or ChatGPT)

  2. Copy the questions (about your passions, strengths and market trends) along with your answers from above into the dedicated section within the prompt

  3. Run the prompt

The prompt will output:

  • An analysis based on your inputs about your passions, strengths and identified market trends.

  • 5 suggestions for each of the 4 content themes, of which you can choose any that you think suits you the best

Here’s an example output that Claude gave me when I answered the questions for myself:

It was pretty spot on with its analysis and also the recommended themes. My main theme is “AI for Entrepreneurs” and my secondary themes are “Entrepreneurial Lessons Learned” and “Beginner Business Resources”.

💡 Wrapping Up

In today's lesson, we learned about how to solve the struggle of “finding your niche”. Here's a quick recap:

  • Don't think of it as finding a singular, rigid niche. Instead, consider your content themes as fluid and adaptable.

  • Most top creators have gone through transitions in their content themes over time. It's a natural part of the journey!

  • To gain clarity on your content themes, ask yourself 3 key questions about your passions, your strengths and market trends you’ve identified, then tie them together using the “Content Theme Creator” prompt.

But here's the most important takeaway:

Don't let the process of “finding a niche” stop you from starting! It's easy to get caught up in overthinking and perfectionism, but the key is to take action.

Remember, your niche will likely evolve as you create and learn.

So, don't wait for the perfect niche or theme to strike. Just start.

Thanks for reading!

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P.S. I recently launched the AI Growth Kit and over 180+ entrepreneurs have already joined. It’s a system that lets you:

  • Create high-quality content in seconds

  • Without sounding like a generic robot

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