3 ways to find million dollar app ideas

It’s never been easier to build software applications.

Even if you don’t know how to code or if you don’t have any technical experience!

In the Prompt Warrior community, I am seeing members starting to build cool niche products with AI, that can easily be monetized later on with the right strategies. Like the product I’ve built which is now making $20k/month.

But… lots of people I talk to are actually struggling with the step before that:

→ To find an app idea

So, here are 3 ways to help get your juices flowing:

1) Copy an existing app

Tell me if you’ve ever done this before:

  1. You have an idea for a product

  2. You google it and find out there’s already an app that does that

  3. You give up on that idea… ☹️

That was me, years ago, before I realized that that was the completely wrong way to think about it.

See, most people think that if a product already exists, it's a bad idea to build the same product, because “there's already too much competition!”.

But here’s what’s actually true…

If an app exists, you know that you've found a validated problem, where real people are already paying for a solution.

In other words, someone has already done the very hard and important work of validating a problem for you!

And it is much easier to build something for an already validated problem, than to try and validate an entirely new problem.

Because you’ll know that if you build it, there are enough people that want it.

You DO NOT have that certainty with an unvalidated problem!

The key of this approach is to then differentiate the app as you build it.

For example you can either make it better, cheaper, or target a slightly different or more niche audience.

Now I’m not saying you should go and build another Amazon or Google.

Instead, this method works well for smaller, niche products! Therefore, this is the approach I recommend especially for entrepreneurs that are starting out.

Nowadays, you've got a TON of data available, you just need to look in the right places.

And the best place to look is on social media. Because if you think about it, social media is basically a place for people to gather and talk about stuff.

And when people talk, they talk about their problems.

So all you have to do is learn to listen!

Here’s what you can do:

  • Look in Reddit communities for people complaining about things.

  • Look out for posts that went viral on TikTok. That shows that something is high in demand.

  • Read the comments on X posts, for example on posts of specific products.

All the problems you hear people talking about, have potential solutions that can be monetized.

3) Solve your own problems

Every day you encounter problems.

Now, it's normal for us to relativize those problems because they keep occurring.

But I want you to train yourself to identify problems and think about how they could be solved.

A solution to a problem usually falls into one of two buckets:

  1. It helps you save time

  2. It helps you save money

And once you have a solution in one of these categories, then you have a product idea!

Also, the magic of the internet is that if you have a problem, you will almost certainly find other people who have the same problem too.

So just build something to solve your own problem, and you WILL eventually find customers who are willing to pay to solve the same problem.

I hope these 3 approaches inspired you to build something. Once you have your idea, it’s all about executing and following the right strategies.

Happy building!


P.S. Looking to take the next step?

In the Prompt Warrior Community you’ll learn how to build software applications with AI and how to grow it to $3k/month. 

(Even if you've never written a single line of code).

Here’s a sneak peek of the courses you get inside…


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