3 prompts to generate high-quality content ideas

I'll show you the AI-leveraged system that I use on a daily basis

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Hey there! Moritz here. Thank you for joining me on another post of The Prompt Warrior, where I help you grow your business by leveraging AI.

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Today I’ll show you the system I use to generate high-quality content ideas with AI.

If you don't have a massive list of great content ideas that you can write about at any moment, you're doing something wrong.

The truth is that I also used to spend hours everyday trying to find the perfect idea to write about.

But now I just pick one item from my huge list and start writing.

Most people struggle with either:

  • Having enough ideas to write about in the first place

  • Or, if you are using AI, to generate ideas that are high-quality and fit into your niche

I’ll show you the system I use to overcome these problems today.

It includes:

  1. Finding your audience’s questions

  2. Using different tweet formats

  3. Remixing existing ideas

Let’s get started!

Finding your audience’s questions

What makes content valuable?

Everybody has goals and wants to go from A to B.

And in going from A to B, people have a bunch of questions.

If your content provides answers to those questions, then you will be providing value.

And that’s the concept I use for my (very simple but effective) prompt:

The answers to each of those questions in the output make for great content.

(The first question for example is answered by this post).

So why does this approach work better than asking the AI directly for content ideas?

Let’s see what happens when I do that:

These are mostly crap.

The difference is that here the AI jumps straight to solutions.

But the thing is, you’re the expert, not the AI.

The AI is good at giving you the broad questions your audience might have. But you’re in a much better position to come up with targeted answers.

If you follow the content suggestions from the second prompt, your content will suck.

If you instead answer the questions from the first prompt, your content is going to be high-quality because it’s coming from YOU, the expert.

Different tweet formats

The questions of your audience are the core for your content ideas. So you should have plenty of content ideas now already.

But one idea can be answered in many different ways.

For example, let’s take the idea I wrote about two weeks ago: “Using AI to write viral Twitter threads”

This question can be answered with:

  • A story (How I wrote my first viral thread)

  • Learnings (My top 5 learnings from writing 20 viral threads)

  • Common mistakes (Top 10 beginner mistakes when writing threads)

  • How to (How to write a viral thread in 3 simple steps)

  • and more…

So this prompt will help you take an existing idea and transform it into many different ways of expressing it:

You're an expert copywriter who has years of experience and a large following on Twitter. I will provide you with a headline below. I will then provide you with various tweet formats. Your job is to provide 5 ideas for each tweet format that are inspired by the headline.

Headline: [Enter your headline]

Tweet formats:
- A story (What is a good story to tell about this?)
- Learnings (What are the main learnings?)
- Common mistakes (What are some of the most common mistakes?)
- How to (A how to guide)

Be careful: With this prompt we are letting the AI go into the solution space rather than staying in the questions space. This means that the output will contain some bad answers.

What I’ll do at this stage is to go through the output and just pick out the ones that I like.

Remixing existing ideas

Your list of content ideas should start to get pretty big by now.

To top it off, we’ll add a final layer to this.

The premise: You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel.

Chances are that other people have already written about the answers to the questions that your audience has.

All you need to do is to find them and add your own spin to them.

Do this:

  1. Find a big creator in your niche

  2. Take the titles of their newsletter posts, Twitter threads etc.

  3. Remix them using AI with the prompt below

Below I will paste a number of blog post titles from a big creator in my niche.
I want you to take those titles as inspiration and give me 20 more titles that are similar to those and can be repurposed for my audience.

My audience: [audience]
Their goals: [goals]

Blog post titles: [titles]

You’ll get a bunch of ideas that are just as good or better than the original ones.

… And that’s it!

Your list should now be big enough and contain enough high-quality ideas, that you can just pick one and go straight into writing mode.

One more thing…

The opportunities that have opened up for me since growing my X account from 0 - 45k followers in just 4 months, have been immense.

I’ve already made $30k in revenue and was able to quit my 9-5 job.

I’ve now condensed my strategy into a done-with-you program where I’ll help you grow your audience and monetise to $3k/m by leveraging AI (or you don’t pay).

For the first month, I’ll be limiting the program to 10 spots.

Sign up for the waitlist here.

Thanks for reading!

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